Kim Colebrook - Medium Vessel KC1


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Original hand thrown ceramic vessel by Kim Colebrook measuring 9cm x 6.5cm x 6.5cm.

About I have a life time interest in the south Wales Valleys – the history and the people. The geology of the area allowed the industrial revolution to take place, and yet the beauty of the geology is hidden from us unless we cut into the earth. I am currently working on a range of work around the industry of The Valleys, and have been developing a way of cutting layers of different oxides and clays into porcelain. The geological vessels are taken from a set of 100 made from 1 bag of porcelain that was cut with layers of black porcelain, rutile, crocus mantis, ilmenite and iron spangles. You can follow the layers pot to pot just as the early miners and geologists followed the characteristics of each layer of coal to understand the hidden geology of The Valleys. The wobbly vessel are cast from black and white porcelain - with oxides, and are intended to move - inspired by the uncertainty of communities when industry has left.